- Instrument: klaver, dirigent
- Kontakt: jaanots.office@gmail.com
- Koduleht: www.jaan-ots.com
Jaan Ots on Tallinnas sündinud pianist ja dirigent. Ta on juhatanud Jyväskylä Sinfoniat, Lahti Sinfoniat, Hamburger Cameratat, ERSOt, Pärnu Linnaorkestrit, Narva Linnaorkestrit ning Klaaspärlimäng Sümfoniettat. 2017. aasta detsembris debüteeris ta Soome Rahvusooperis Tšaikovski balleti “Pähklipureja” ettekannetega.
Ta on tegutsenud assistendina Soome Raadio Sümfooniaorkestri juures, Savonlinna Ooperifestivalil ning Kreeka Rahvusooperis. Alates 2017. aasta septembrist on ta ametis Tallinna Muusikakeskkooli Sümfooniaorkestri dirigendina.
Jaan Ots on lõpetanud Tallinna Muusikakeskkooli klaveri ja trompeti erialal ning omandanud bakalaureusekraadi klaveri erialal Eesti Muusika-ja Teatriakadeemias Mati Mikalai klaveriklassis. Ta on olnud edukas mõlemal erialal, võites preemiaid enam kui paarikümnel noortekonkursil Eestis ja väljaspool, sh I preemia noorte pianistide konkursil “Steinway&Sons” Hamburgis (2003) ja II preemia ning EMCY eripreemia noorte pianistide konkursil “Step towards mastery” Peterburis (2005).
Jaan on lõpetanud Sibeliuse Akadeemia magistrantuuri dirigeerimise erialal, juhendajateks Leif Segerstam ja Atso Almila. Oma õpingute käigus täiendas ta end vahetusüliõpilasena Pariisi Konservatooriumis (CNSM) ning osales Jukka-Pekka Saraste, Esa-Pekka Saloneni, Mikko Francki, David Zinmani, Thomas Sanderlingi ja Järvi Akadeemia meistriklassides.
Jaan on klaveritrio TEOS ning Frielinghaus Ensemble liige.
Jaan Ots is an Estonian conductor and pianist described as “Dynamic young man whose liberated work is a pleasure to watch and listen” (newspaper “Keskisuomalainen” 24.20.2019).
Jaan has a Bachelor `s degree in Piano Performance from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater, and a Masters`s degree in Orchestral Conducting from Sibelius Academy. During the course of his conducting studies, he spent one year as an exchange student at the Conservatoire de Paris (CNSM).
His first major conducting debut took place at the Finnish National Ballet in December 2017 with the ”Nutcracker” by Tchaikovsky. In the following year he led the Glasperlenspiel Sinfonietta in collaboration with the award-winning choir Collegium Musicale on tour and conducted the Hamburger Camerata at the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg. In addition to that, he has conducted the Lahti Sinfonia, Jyväskylä Sinfonia, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Pärnu City orchestra and Narva City Orchestra.
Jaan has held the position of Assistant Conductor at the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, assisted Verdi “Otello” production at the Savonlinna Opera Festival, Bizet “Carmen” at the Vaasa Theater, Shostakovich “Lady Macbeth from Mtsensk District”, Verdi “Don Carlo” and Berg “Wozzeck” at the Greek National Opera.
Coming from a family of musicians, he has been involved with music from a very early age. In addition to piano, his wide musical background also includes extensive studies in trumpet playing. Having excelled in both instruments, Jaan is a laureate of over 20 competition in Estonia, Latvia, Russia and Germany, including 1st prices at Steinway&Sons Piano Competition for Young Pianists and the Estonian National Competition for Wind Instruments.
Jaan is an active chamber musician, performing regularly as a member of Frielinghaus Ensemble (Germany), Piano trio TEOS (Finland-Estonia) as well as guest artist at various festivals.